brush over的用法与搭配
- You think a quick brush over the teeth is going to vanquish them all ?
- 你以为一个快速的刷牙就能击败这些细菌?
- Crystal thought with slight bitterness but let it brush over almost instantly .
- 水晶思想略有苦味,但让它几乎立刻刷满。
- Then using a soft black brush draw over the edges of the layer .
- 然后用一个软黑画笔,沿着图层边缘画。
- Using the burn tool brush over the lower side of the bumper .
- 使用加深工具(u),在保险杠的下半部分涂抹。
- To get started select a smallish brush with 100 % hardness and start to paint over the duplicated layer with it .
- 准备就绪,选择一个100%硬度的短小画笔,然后用它在复制的图层上开始绘制。
- After that I went all over surface smoothing brush .
- 我也到处表面平滑刷。
- Whether or not japan 's neighbours let him brush off tensions with them over territories and history may depend on their new leaders .
- 日本的邻居们是否会任由安倍漠视与己国的领土争端或者历史遗留问题,这或许取决于邻里的新主人。
- Brush in hand the 82-year-old artist works without the slightest hesitation ; this is one domain over which she has absolute control .
- 这位82岁高龄的艺术家手握画笔,创作起来没有丝毫犹豫她在这个领域游刃有余。
- Instead the phonautograph produced a visual representation of sound waves by connecting its diaphragm to a bristle brush set up to trace lightly over a piece of paper that had been impregnated with soot .
- 相反,通过把膜板和一个鬃毛刷连在一块,在一张浸满油烟的纸上呈现出声波的样子。
- The state banking system can brush bad debt under the rug but the more bad debt gets rolled over the less capital is available to fund new projects .
- 国有银行系统可以掩盖坏账,但是更多的坏账继续滚动,可以贷给新项目的资金就会减少。